If you are a Provider, this is the perfect time to make sure that your community knows about your AFH.

The best part is that no matter where you live, there are lots of resources and opportunities just waiting for your business to shine. It is just a matter of getting started! Here are some easy marketing ideas to help get more eyes on your business.


One way of increasing awareness of your services is by using it as a social promotion tool. During major holiday celebrations, you may want to consider hosting a celebration, such as New Year’s Eve or Christmas. This will allow you to get to know your community. You may also wish to promote your services through seasonal festivals, which also provides an opportunity to bring attention to your facility.

For example, if we look at New Year’s events, there is ample room for growth! There are always plenty of possibilities to market yourself at major festivals and other upcoming occasions where there is interest from the community. To put it simply, this will open up your doors to an increased number of potential clients. So, take action, now!


You could also advertise in newspapers on any given day. The most popular choice is placing adverts on Sunday morning pages or Saturday papers. By starting small, you can build a relationship with your readers and gain trust in the process.


If your business has branches around town, why not use print ads or flyers to attract visitors? Similar to advertisements on websites, you can strategically place these kinds of materials anywhere near your location to generate buzz.

Just remember not to overload your material too much. Too many graphics and visuals could be distracting to some patrons. Remember that it is important not to overwhelm the community with too much detail or excessive design.

Instead, use color-coded tags, labels, and stickers to guide individuals to where they can easily access your services.

Furthermore, you should think carefully about branding your ads. Do all your posters and banners have appropriate fonts, emojis, colors and symbols? These elements need to reflect the nature and purpose of your advertisement.

Avoid confusing or misleading signs. Also, don’t make mistakes like using images that are irrelevant to your message. Give out informative messages that address problems and concerns your community may face. As always, your goal is to provide useful information.


Another helpful way of reaching a wide range of interested consumers is to organize seminars for existing and prospective clients to learn more about various topics, like homecare services.

Many individuals prefer to attend lectures in person. Even seniors can benefit from learning about a topic that interests them. All in all, offering free seminars and tutorials will attract clients and create goodwill among current and future clients and their families.


Social media is an excellent platform to launch a professional presence for anybody – big or small. Using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can generate positive feedback from friends and followers who may enjoy your content or share interesting facts about your business.

Additionally, you can respond to comments you receive from potential clients and invite them to comment on your posts or your link to your website. Get those questions flowing!


Allowing your business to thrive requires a combination of hard work and smart planning. One of the most difficult tasks of running a business is deciding exactly what you want to tell your potential clients.

But with careful consideration and research, you will make up your mind about what will resonate with your community in terms of quality and value.

Image Credit:  Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

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