Adult Family Home Directory

Use the search and filter options to find more than 3,500+ Washington State Adult Family Homes by City, Zip Code OR services offered.

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Residential Care Services

RCS is responsible for the licensing and oversight of adult family homes, assisted living facilities, nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and certified community residential services and supports.  Our mission is to promote and protect the rights, security and well being of individuals living in these licensed or certified residential settings. 

What is an Adult Family Home?

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services explains that Adult Family Homes are, “Residential homes licensed to care for up to six non-related residents. They provide room, board, laundry, necessary supervision, and necessary help with activities of daily living, personal care, and social services. RCW 70.128.010.”

What is an Assisted Living Facility?

Assisted Living Facilities are, “Facilities in a community setting that are licensed to care for seven or more residents. The assisted living facility (ALF) provides room and board and help with activities of daily living (ADL). Some ALFs provide limited nursing services; others may specialize in serving people with mental health problems, developmental disabilities, or dementia (Alzheimer's disease). RCW 18-20-020(2).”

Deciding between the two:

In addition to providing the above, both of these facilities also provide meals, intermittent nursing care, and assistance with medication management. The two important questions for you or your loved ones to ask yourselves are:

  • What are your health needs?

  • Where would you (or your loved one) feel most comfortable?