DSHS Background Checks - 2021

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services pays for all Long Term Care Worker Background checks.

There are established background check procedures for the following types of facilities:

  • Adult Family Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and Nursing Homes

  • Medicaid contracted Home Care Agencies

  • Private Pay Home Care Agencies

  • Individual Providers (IP) - Non Developmental Disabilities Administration

Always remember to contact the employer or direct department that will be hiring you before completing the background check.

Background Check Authorization forms can be located on the Washington State DSHS website or the direct link below.

Background Check Authorization Form

Notification of Background Check Results

The Background Check Central Unit (BCCU) issues 4 different result notifications. According to Washington State DSHS website “Note: The department or other entity will receive one of these notifications following a Washington State Name and Date of Birth Background Check and another notification following a fingerprint check.”

  1. No Record

    • WHAT YOU WILL SEE: No background information reported.

    • WHAT THIS MEANS: None of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records that disqualify the applicant from having unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults and there are no background check records to review.

    • ACTION YOU MUST TAKE: Maintain a copy of the results notification and give a copy of the result notification to the applicant/employee within 10 days of receipt from the Background Check Central Unit (BCCU). Document the results as required.

  2. Review Required

    • WHAT YOU WILL SEE: Information reported by one or more background check sources that requires a Character, Competence, and Suitability review.

    • WHAT THIS MEANS: One or more of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records that are not listed on the oversight program’s list of disqualifying crimes and negative actions. The department or other entity must determine whether or not the applicant can work in a position that may have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults by:

    • ACTION YOU MUST TAKE: The department or entity is required to determine whether or not the individual can have unsupervised access to vulnerable adults or children. This is done via a Character, Competence, and Suitability review, per program regulations. The department or entity must provide the applicant a copy of their background check result within 10 days of receipt from BCCU. If the applicant wishes to dispute or clarify the information reported on this background check result, the applicant may contact the BCCU for additional information at (360) 902-0299 or bccuinquiry@dshs.wa.gov.

  3. Disqualify

    • WHAT YOU WILL SEE: Disqualifying information reported by one or more background check data sources.

    • WHAT THIS MEANS: At least one disqualifying: conviction, pending charge, or negative action was found that is listed in Chapter WAC 388-113-0020: DISQUALIFYING CRIMES AND NEGATIVE ACTIONS. The applicant cannot have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults. If you allow the applicant to have unsupervised access you may be violating federal or state regulations.

    • ACTION YOU MUST TAKE: The applicant/employee cannot have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless a revised Notification from BCCU (No Record or Review Required) is received. The department or entity gives the applicant a copy of this background check result within 10 days of receipt from the BCCU. If the applicant wishes to dispute or clarify the information reported on this background check result, the applicant may contact the BCCU for additional information at (360) 902-0299 or bccuinquiry@dshs.wa.gov.

  4. Additional Information Needed

    • WHAT YOU WILL SEE: Additional Information Needed.

    • WHAT THIS MEANS: The BCCU requires additional information before a determination about this applicant/employee background can be made. The applicant/employee will receive this notification if there is an unclear crime or negative action that was reported by any of the sources that BCCU researches. The letter will inform the department or requesting entity that the applicant needs to contact BCCU at 360-902-0299 or bccuinquiry@dshs.wa.gov with their Inquiry ID # listed on the notice. BCCU will provide the applicant with instructions for completing the additional information request. The background check will be pending until the additional information is provided. Entities should follow the program policies when an Additional Information Needed notification is received.

    • ACTION YOU MUST TAKE: The status of this background check is pending until additional information is received by BCCU and a new result notification (No Record or Review Required) is obtained.

Additional Resources

For background policy questions:

  • Individual Providers (IP) for HCS: 360-725-2533. IP for DDA: 360-407-1526

  • Medicaid Contracted Home Care Agency (HCA): 360-725-2560

  • Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Adult Family Home and Enhanced Services Facilities: 360-725-3210

  • For IP and HCA training and certification questions call 360-725-2563.All long term care (LTC) workers (both Medicaid AND private pay) hired on or after January 7, 2012 must have a fingerprint-based background check.


AFH - New Hire Reporting


DSHS Adult Family Home Administrator Training - 2021